should I have my horse treated?
often should I have my horse treated?
can treatments do for my dog or cat?
can a Reiki Treatment help me?
should I have my horse treated?
Energy Balancing almost always increases range of motion. An exception is
when the animal has sore feet. If your horse is moving stiffly to one side
or the other or is not giving you the gait you know he has, then having him
treated could really help. Energy balancing helps sore muscles, releases muscle
spasms, helps the system to function better and much more. If your horse is
not functioning optimally, then energy balancing may help. How do you know
if your horse is sore? Run your fingers down both sides of the spine. If you
feel tightness or see a muscle reflex or if your horse shows soreness, then
you will know. Run your fingers down the ribs of your horses and look for
muscle reflexes. Energy balancing can also help horses recuperating from sickness
or injury. The lasers are very effective in decreasing healing time.
How often should I have my horse treated?
If possible, I like to treat horse once a week for 3 weeks. The first treatment can do a lot to make the animal more comfortable and move more fluidly. However, muscles have a memory. A second and third treatment can help to keep the muscles from going back into their compromised state. Dr. Inman’s VNIT calls for a protocol of day 1, 7, 14, 21, 42, 74 and then once a month. Clients who have had their horses treated this often have been very pleased with their ability to stay sound and happy. For horses that are on a heavy training or competitive schedule, regular treatments enhance their performance. Treatment after surgery or illness can enhance comfort and decrease healing time.
What can treatments do for my dog or cat?
Treatments can help them feel more comfortable and increase their range of motion. They can help them heal more rapidly after surgery. VNIT can help dogs with incontinence and lameness.
How can a Reiki Treatment help me?
Reiki energy works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It is a very relaxing and healing energy. Because of the integrating quality of the energy, clients say it often helps them think more clearly. A Reiki treatment can accelerate healing time after surgery or during an illness. It can help reduce sleeping disorders.
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