Energy Balancing Works for Horses, Pets and People
What is Energy Therapy?
Grouchy Mares and Ponies Often Get a Bad Rap

Energy Balancing Works for Horses, Pets and People

The big brown gelding was raw-boned and athletic looking. However, his coat was dull and his eye looked distant. I had been called to the barn by the trainer who said the horse had just come in to be schooled and sold. She said he had a very bad attitude and did not want to move forward. The veterinarian had done blood work during the pre-purchase exam and all was well. I suggested the local vet be consulted also.

It took a little longer than usual to establish with him what I call a ‘therapeutic relationship’. It’s that connection where the animal realizes and acknowledges that my presence is calm and unthreatening, even nurturing.

I began at his head, muscle-testing to find the imbalances in his body and using techniques of connecting energy and releasing stress points to help relieve the pain he was feeling. He began licking his lips and yawning. I worked from his beautiful head, down his sleek neck to his shoulders and front legs. Then I worked through his mid-body to his haunch and hind legs. This horse was very blocked. He had areas of spasm that I believe had been there for quite a while and certainly limited his range-of-motion and also caused discomfort.

I then used the Respond light laser to stimulate the deep muscles and cells in the most blocked areas I found. I used the Photonic light on the gateways of his meridians to increase the flow of his energy. I put the electro-magnetic blanket on him, set on low, while I began treating the next horse. Before I left him I used my hands to connect with him and tell him he was going to feel better and of course, I gave him an apple-flavored horse cookie. His eye had brightened and as the stable hand led him back to his paddock he was moving much more freely and over-stepping more.

The trainer called the next day and said he was moving much better and that he even seemed pretty willing. We scheduled two more visits to get to deeper levels. It’s been about 2 months now and I would not recognize this gorgeous animal to be the same forlorn gelding I first treated. His coat has a gleam to it. His eye is bright. He is nicely muscled and the trainer loves his kind and willing attitude.

Whether it is in a horse, a dog, a cat, or a person, pain is a debilitating phenomenon. Energy work that complements the training methods and other holistic and medical treatments can make a big difference in attitude, performance and one’s life experience.

What is Energy Therapy?

Every living thing is made of energy, measurable in various forms such as temperature, electro-magnetism, frequency, etc. More importantly energy has everything to do with how one feels and functions. When energy levels are weak, disturbed or out of balance, revitalizing them helps bring them back to their normal state. There are a number of non-invasive ways to bring about energetic flow, balance and harmony. Some of them are:

a. tapping, pressing, or connecting specific energy points on the skin

b. tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways

c. exercises, postures and stretches designed for specific energy effects

d. focused use of the mind to move specific energies.

e. surrounding an area with healing energies

f. the use of magnets, cold light laser and surface LED light

g. myofacia release and Veterinary Neural Integration Technique

A combination of one or all of these techniques can be very helpful for healing humans and animals. These techniques complement medical and veterinary treatments and enhance physical conditioning and learning.

Grouchy Mares and Ponies Often Get a Bad Rap

When I hear, “She’s just being a mare,” or “My pony is very naughty,” or other comments about the less than perfect animal behavior, my interest is piqued. Often bad behavior is a direct result of pain.

I’ve had the opportunity to treat some of these misbehaving animals with very good results. I remember the problem mare in New York State who was hard to bridle, hated to have her ears clipped and was generally just plain grouchy. After releasing the area behind her ears, she lowered her head, yawned and licked and was just fine with the clippers. Her trainer was amazed that her attitude turned around to being downright friendly!

Then there was the pony who ‘just likes to kick up after jumping a fence.’ His back was so sore that I was surprised he would even let a rider on his back. After the first treatment he quit kicking up but was still swishing his tail. After the second treatment the next week he quit the tail swishing and became much more attentive to his rider. His harsh eye softened and he quit scooting off when he jumped a fence that was at the top of his scope.

There are many stories I could tell. The main point I want to make is that as riders, owners and trainers, we need to think about the comfort of the horses. Their poor behavior may be due to the pain they are experiencing. This pain may be easily relieved. Check it out. There are many therapies and medications which can help.



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Pat Young
230 14th Street East
Kalispell, MT 59901

p: 406-270-6007

Email Pat